Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dream Act Recent Updates.

As many of you read what the benefits for the Dream Act are, I seem to have not mentioned the reasons for why some people find it a bad idea. Although I am all for the bill to be passed this November, I feel like I must point out other reasons, not good reasons, but reasons for why people feel as The Dream Act is a threat to America, although it isn't.

After keeping up with the bill since last March when I found out about it, I realized that many of the people that were against the Dream Act did not have a good point to not believe in it. Over %80 of the people with negative comments in discussions that I read and participated on, did not have a clear statement as for why they were against it, other than their belief that immigrants were immigrants and did not deserve rights. Although I want to agree, I will also like to disagree. There are several people who were brought to the US as children and had nothing to do with that decision. Now I'm being punished for the crime my mother committed. That's almost as bad as sending a family to jail because the husband killed a man. Most people don't see it that way. They see it as a threat that immigrants will come and take their jobs. Here's the problem; what kind of messed up job did you have that a person who doesn't speak English was better than you at to take your job? Well,it turns out that most of the people say that the reason immigrants get hired is because they are willing to work for less, but that's not the case in many aspects, unless your job is to mow lawns or clean cars. So here's another point; immigrants are not taking blue collar jobs. They did not come and got a job in a hospital for $5 per hour. The people who complain about immigrants taking "their jobs" are people who did not finish High School and/or are less educated than many others. The Dream Act would not be that much more significant, because as my last blog stated, nearly 4.3 million students graduate every year from high school, and the number of people that would be eligible to get residency will still be a much more smaller fraction than the average graduating class every year. This bill would only help about 700,000 people overall.

I would love to hear your opinion on the subject. Please leave comment on my other blog discussing the blog or responding to another comment. Because the more people that are aware will make a difference!

Updated: It turns out that the reason for why the Dream Act was the 9th most looked up article on Google was because different senators are trying to bring the bill to the floor even sooner. It was expected to be taken for a vote in November, but these people want it by no later than next week!


  1. My parents were both deported :-\

  2. Well as i do know someone that came here illegally, i will say you are correct in that they do not take the good jobs away from people that have them, and just block the less educated from getting worthless jobs in the first place. This lead me to be in support of the dream act myself

  3. The bill right now has 40 co-sponsors 10 of which are republicans. If the those current republicans can convince the others to vote yay there is a good chance this can pass.

  4. thats an interesting point of view

  5. Another quality post dream...keep up the good work!

  6. I can't imagine how any one could really oppose the bill. A minor should never be penalised for the acts of their parents / another adult. It's just common sense, in my mind.

  7. Dream, what is the likelihood of this bill getting passed?

  8. It's harsh, but it's the truth and the world we live in.

  9. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this bill. Very interesting subject.

  10. Yeah, this is going to be a pain in the ass. :politics: go.

  11. this is bull shit.
    sorry bro, but its true

  12. This might not be for everyone, but I enjoyed the read, good to see things from another perspective.

  13. I definitely support this, children cannot be held responsible for what their parents did.

  14. nice to get a little more insight into the matter

  15. All these are very good points, and I definitely agree. Kids shouldn't be punished for parent's mistakes. Its that simple. Good post.

  16. Politics is essential though since without it we would be doomed, theres simply too many people on this earth now

  17. Makes me wonder what I'm doing here in college >_>

    haha, great read, thanks.

  18. I was never a polical person but i actually enjoy reading your article. Hope to see more updates from you in the future.

  19. Thanks dream!
    I gave you a shoutout on my latest blog entry :)

  20. Pretty crazy stuff man...I read some future things that will happen this november. Kinda scary comare to this.

  21. I'll be contacting my senator to urge him to vote yes on this!

  22. it looks like you're headed in the right direction with this post...

  23. Dream Act rally this tuesday sept 21st in L.A. Much luck to you, supporting your efforts.

  24. This is insane, I really hope that Stephan Harper doesn't try and mimic this with Canada.

  25. i dont have a job, i need work, i think ill go sit outside home depot tomorrow

  26. I can't believe they are going for this I will email to everyone

  27. Finally an update, good to hear something new from you :)

  28. great post, I am waiting for more!

  29. I know a few illegals.. makes me think about if they would ever get deported..

  30. That's...pretty interesting actually.

  31. I am against illegal immigration, but I believe there is a better way to deal with it than punishing people who have lived here and made their lives here for years. The Dream Act might be the answer.

  32. I too am against a lot of stuff, but it isn't fair to punish children and teens for actions made by their parents years ago.

  33. Although i'm not aware of the specifics, thus sounds like a good thing.

  34. Keep preaching! This is an important bill to spread.

  35. look forward to your next post man

  36. good to see you today

  37. Keep your head up! I look forward to updates... Trust me - there are a TON of people in the same boat you are in.

  38. I don't have a problem with anyone taking a job that they think they will do better than me, or taking a job that they are willing to do that I will not. What I do have a problem with is people free loading off of the system. Illegals put an even larger strain on hospitals as they are not usually able to pay their bills because they cannot be found, they don't pay taxes so they don't support in that sense, and they generally do not have health insurance because they are illegal. There are more issues such as car accidents, drugs, etc. but people shouldn't be allowed to free load illegal or legal..

  39. Now i don't know much about the situation "over there"

    But when i read stuff like "That's almost as bad as sending a family to jail because the husband killed a man. Most people don't see it that way."

    I simply have to stop and reread "Most people don't see it that way."

    I mean, it's pure and simple reason and logical that a child of two carries no punishable burden of it's parent.

    Unfortunatly, there are also people who will exploit this on both sides. If nothing else, it's the immigration laws from the beginning that must be fixed. Not sweep the problems the weak laws create under the rug. Otherwise it'll never end.

  40. Gopher, I agree with you to an extent. Although you are right, you're also wrong in other cases. For example; who said that illegals don't pay taxes? If they don't pay property taxes is more than likely because they don't own where they live. Taxes are always being payed, but the one thing that they can't do, is claim their taxes at the end of the year. Most illegals that work with a fake social are only helping the person who's social it belongs to because they work, and all the taxes that are taken of their paycheck, goes to the other person's account, and they will never see a cent off that money again. I many cases, the money is never claimed, so the US keeps the money. As far as the hospitals and all that go, you're partially right, once again. Because maybe they can't pay off big amounts that they owe, but some people try to.

  41. I learned about this in school today. Just had to inform you :P

  42. Overheard people chatting this up at the coffee shop. You're much more informed than they.

  43. You gotta throw some new posts up man! I love this stuff.

  44. Good stuff, I am glad to finally get the straight dope on this. Keep hearing BS from my little bros.

  45. I agree with the Dream Act, but it should include more people than just 700,000. Good post, very insightful.

  46. Eh, your rhetoric seems a bit wishy-washy but your general ideas seem pretty intriguing.

  47. Very interesting stuff you got here. I would like to hear more.

  48. one of the smartest guys Ive ever known aced his way through UCLA and was/is an illegal immigrant.

  49. Hm. you haven't updated in a while. Can't wait to see your next post.

  50. Take 'em or leave 'em. That is a lot of words, my good man.

  51. well senators can be pretty... unpredictable
